Aircast boot instructions
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An Aircast Boot (also called a Cast boot or Cam Walker) is a foam lined brace to provide support and protection to the foot, ankle, or lower leg. Position front panel so the Aircast logo is over the toes. • Secure straps from bottom to top. • Tighten until snug and comfortable. CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS:. Your Care Instructions. Orthopedic boots protect broken bones and other injuries of the lower leg, ankle, or foot. They prevent more damage and help theEnsure that your heel is firmly placed and snug in the rear of the air cast when placing your foot into the air cast. Fold over the padded flap and then the Aircast boots: General Information. The standard walking boot DO wear the boot and follow the weight bearing instructions from your healthcare provider. DO wear the boot and follow the weight bearing instructions from your healthcare provider. DO be careful when walking in your boot. (if you are allowed to put How to set up your Aircast boot · Sit down and straighten out your leg. · Wrap the liner over the front of your foot, and smooth out any wrinkles in the liner
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